Discovered in History: Past Lives

While most of our past lives remain unidentified in history, there are a few that are waiting to be discovered. The following are past lives that were identified as a result of the details provided during past life readings I have done for my clients.
You’ll note through the following identified lifetimes that:
– We reincarnate in soul groups.
– We have very similar visual characteristics in each lifetime; an exact match or with very few differences.
King John II of Castile
According to Wikipedia: “John II’s Regents declared the Valladolid laws in 1411, which restricted the social activity of Jews. Among the most notable of the provisions were outlining that Jews must wear distinctive clothes and banned them from holding administrative positions. However, once John took control of the throne for himself in 1418, he (though likely influenced politically by de Luna) reversed such ordinances, favoring instead a more tolerant attitude toward the already battered Jewish population of Castile following the mass wave of conversions between 1391-1415.”
Dates, events and locations from the reading were used to identify and confirm this client’s past life identity. What’s interesting is that during this past life reading, it was revealed that the teenage royal felt deep frustration because he was not calling the shots as King.
What’s also intriguing is that the present-day woman who was King John II, is a female doppelganger to this king. The client herself said this image looked like an identical twin.
Frances H. Drake, Abolitionist
Jonathan Drake, Abolitionist
Mary Adeline Drake, Daughter
Richard Dana Jr., Human Rights Lawyer
Thoughts: “I’m not surprised at all that I was an abolitionist as I’ve always had an interest in advocating for the underdog, the oppressed; I never had a problem being rebellious and fighting the socially established norms. I could identify several other people from the past life as Frances Drake, that have reincarnated in my current lifetime as well. Jonathan Drake looks identical to a friend of mine from college (also rebellious by nature and once again, a lawyer). Mary Adeline Drake looks exactly like my childhood best friend. (Interestingly, middle name is Frances, and she always hated that name – the first name of her mother in that past life.) I also identified a human rights lawyer I knew in that lifetime, Richard Dana Jr., as another friend from college.
As a child I was notably preoccupied with hidden passageways and hidden rooms. I would cut and paste pictures of furniture into an architectural layout on cardboard, including secret rooms and passageways. Even in adulthood I’ve told people that I want to construct a home with hidden rooms. Now I know where this comes from.”
As fairly open supporters of abolition, the couple could not simply use their home as a safe house along the Underground Railroad, without suspicion. Thus the couple, when constructing their home, built a secret trap door into the floor of the front parlor where they could hide escaped slaves.The Drakes harbored a number of slaves who were on the run. The Drakes also hosted such anti-slavery luminaries as William Lloyd Garrison, Wendell Phillips and Frederick Douglas.
James B. Weaver, Politician and Presidential Candidate
Natalie was excited when she was able to identify her past life, based on the details I provided to her during a reading, such as: the decade of his presidential running (twice), and the unusual extent of traveling for that time. Not only that, James Weaver’s wife is an impressive visual match for Natalie’s best friend now.
A note from Natalie after the reading: “I was kinda skeptical until I saw this photo with my ‘wife’ who I’ve had lives with before and shared it with friends for confirmation. His political views even sound like me. All the travel he did was unusual for a candidate at the time. No wonder I had a strong interest in politics since I was unusually young. Great job babe. I’m stoked, thank you.”

Hans Jeschenek, General, Nazi Germany
Hans Jeschonnek (1899-1943) was the Chief of Staff of the Luftwaffe from 1939 until his suicide in 1943. He was an able administrator when operational matters were involved, but was less interested in non-operational matters and his failure to take an interest in aircraft production played a role in the long-term decline of the Luftwaffe. Jeschonnek was responsible for much of the German planning for the Battle of Britain and the Blitz, but he doesn’t appear to have any great enthusiasm for these purely air battles, responding to news of the upcoming invasion of the Soviet Union by saying ‘At last, a proper war!’ During the war years, the most impressive personality among the Chiefs of the General Staff was Generaloberst Jeschonnek — an unusually intelligent and energetic person. Even Jeschonnek, however, was not strong enough to oppose Goering successfully (occasionally he did succeed in opposing Hitler) in matters of decisive importance.
I was able to identify this client from the reading details, and the woman’s current-life image. She was rather speechless.
A heartbroken and mentally ill woman of the 1800s, Julie Anne was discovered through one client’s journey of self-discovery.