Discovered in History: Past Lives

While most of our past lives remain unidentified in history, there are a few that are waiting to be discovered. The following are past lives that were identified as a result of the details provided during past life readings I have done for my clients.

You’ll note through the following identified lifetimes that:
– We reincarnate in soul groups.
– We have very similar visual characteristics in each lifetime; an exact match or with very few differences.

King John II of CastileImage result for john II castile

According to Wikipedia: “John II’s Regents declared the Valladolid laws in 1411, which restricted the social activity of Jews. Among the most notable of the provisions were outlining that Jews must wear distinctive clothes and banned them from holding administrative positions. However, once John took control of the throne for himself in 1418, he (though likely influenced politically by de Luna) reversed such ordinances, favoring instead a more tolerant attitude toward the already battered Jewish population of Castile following the mass wave of conversions between 1391-1415.”

Dates, events and locations from the reading were used to identify and confirm this client’s past life identity. What’s interesting is that during this past life reading, it was revealed that the teenage royal felt deep frustration because he was not calling the shots as King.

What’s also intriguing is that the present-day woman who was King John II, is a female doppelganger to this king. The client herself said this image looked like an identical twin.

Frances H. Drake, Abolitionist
Jonathan Drake, Abolitionist
Mary Adeline Drake, Daughter
Richard Dana Jr., Human Rights Lawyer

Thoughts: “I’m not surprised at all that I was an abolitionist as I’ve always had an interest in advocating for the underdog, the oppressed; I never had a problem being rebellious and fighting the socially established norms. I could identify several other people from the past life as Frances Drake, that have reincarnated in my current lifetime as well. Jonathan Drake looks identical to a friend of mine from college (also rebellious by nature and once again, a lawyer). Mary Adeline Drake looks exactly like my childhood best friend. (Interestingly, middle name is Frances, and she always hated that name – the first name of her mother in that past life.) I also identified a human rights lawyer I knew in that lifetime, Richard Dana Jr., as another friend from college.

As a child I was notably preoccupied with hidden passageways and hidden rooms. I would cut and paste pictures of furniture into an architectural layout on cardboard, including secret rooms and passageways. Even in adulthood I’ve told people that I want to construct a home with hidden rooms. Now I know where this comes from.”

As fairly open supporters of abolition, the couple could not simply use their home as a safe house along the Underground Railroad, without suspicion. Thus the couple, when constructing their home, built a secret trap door into the floor of the front parlor where they could hide escaped slaves.The Drakes harbored a number of slaves who were on the run. The Drakes also hosted such anti-slavery luminaries as William Lloyd Garrison, Wendell Phillips and Frederick Douglas.

James B. Weaver, Politician and Presidential Candidate

Natalie was excited when she was able to identify her past life, based on the details I provided to her during a reading, such as: the decade of his presidential running (twice), and the unusual extent of traveling for that time. Not only that, James Weaver’s wife is an impressive visual match for Natalie’s best friend now.

A note from Natalie after the reading: “I was kinda skeptical until I saw this photo with my ‘wife’ who I’ve had lives with before and shared it with friends for confirmation. His political views even sound like me. All the travel he did was unusual for a candidate at the time. No wonder I had a strong interest in politics since I was unusually young. Great job babe. I’m stoked, thank you.”

Hans Jeschonnek, German Army General

Hans Jeschenek, General, Nazi Germany

Hans Jeschonnek (1899-1943) was the Chief of Staff of the Luftwaffe from 1939 until his suicide in 1943. He was an able administrator when operational matters were involved, but was less interested in non-operational matters and his failure to take an interest in aircraft production played a role in the long-term decline of the Luftwaffe. Jeschonnek was responsible for much of the German planning for the Battle of Britain and the Blitz, but he doesn’t appear to have any great enthusiasm for these purely air battles, responding to news of the upcoming invasion of the Soviet Union by saying ‘At last, a proper war!’ During the war years, the most impressive personality among the Chiefs of the General Staff was Generaloberst Jeschonnek — an unusually intelligent and energetic person. Even Jeschonnek, however, was not strong enough to oppose Goering successfully (occasionally he did succeed in opposing Hitler) in matters of decisive importance.

I was able to identify this client from the reading details, and the woman’s current-life image. She was rather speechless.

A heartbroken and mentally ill woman of the 1800s, Julie Anne was discovered through one client’s journey of self-discovery.

Review of Sal Jade’s Master Marketing Course for Healers and Psychics

Sal Jade’s newest course How To Earn More Income with Your Tarot or Healing Business covers not only strategies for Tarot Readers and Reiki Practitioners, but almost anyone working in energy healing, psychic-mediumship, and similar professions. She takes online marketing to a new level as she converts basic, and not-so-basic, marketing strategies into concrete, usable information for those working in these professions. And she does it in a remarkably warm, supportive fashion.

Sal discusses what you want to include on your website and what consumers are looking for. For example, she covers how pricing needs to be clear and easy to find. She reviews two real websites, showing her audience what could be done to better improve them.  As far as creating professional images, pictures, graphics, and videos, she touches on options for people who are technologically  savvy, but if this is outside of your realm of expertise, she names a few places to find paid services at reasonable cost to get them done. I find this handy, since our psychic powers don’t usually help us with tasks such as video editing.  😉 If you don’t know what you’re doing on the facebook main screen, she walks you step-by-step through facebook to create a page or group. She discusses your many social media options, and the statistics behind using them. She then takes this topic to the next level by explaining how to apply graphics to social media sites or a youtube channel.

Sal covers promotions and sales in social media. When to discount your pricing without burning yourself out is a big one for Sal, as she’s seen many healers and psychics stretch themselves too thin giving away their time. So self-care is a priority of hers that she touches on in many of her courses.

Social media marketing and networking is a whole new audience and a whole new community. I was personally always nervous about how to network and market online without coming off like that salesy Young Living chick that only friends you to sell you some oils (no offense against those who promote their the MLM’s, we’re all trying to make a living). Sal’s tips gave me a bit of confidence in how to do that without appearing pushy or stepping on Facebook Group Admin toes. Sal covers social networking like I’ve never seen, and I appreciated that greatly.

If you have very limited knowledge in sales and marketing or you are at a near-zero budget, you may consider starting with her first course, Build Your Spiritual Healing Business on a Budget. However, it’s not a prerequisite and you won’t get lost jumping into the master course. The first class has some more beginners’ tips and tricks that are only slightly touched on in the Master course (so you’re not getting repetitive information between the two).

What I love about all Sal Jade’s courses is that she is a true teacher, holding nothing back from her virtual students. She’s not afraid to tell you exactly what works, and what doesn’t. Through her classes, Sal Jade shares with us everything she has done through her years of trial-and-error, sparing us the expense and time of using strategies that simply don’t work.

Sal Jade’s Master Class: How To Earn More Income with Your Tarot or Healing Business
Coupon Code: “kat25” will give you this class for 25% off.

Sal Jade is an amazing teacher of psychic ability. She makes it all feel so easy to do. The Udemy courses are $15 (U.S.) per class, with these links:

How To Be Psychic

How To Be Psychic Intermediate Course

Tarot Card Success

Remove Psychic Blocks with Past Life Therapy

Boost Your Psychic Gits with EFT Tapping

Build Your Spiritual Healing Business On A Budget

Katie has a degree in psychology, with various marketing and sales experience. While homeschooling her three children, she works part-time as a psychic-medium. Katie was so impressed with Sal Jade’s courses and teaching style that she reached out to her to become an affiliate. Katie is not paid for reviews, but she does receive a referral bonus for purchases through the above links.

Past Life Stories Shared by Clients

This page is dedicated to sharing the actual past life stories gained from Readings. Consecutive past life readings are noted when possible. Permission has been granted to share these.

If you are looking for examples of actual Readings Reports, you will find some below (clickable to the PDF of the reading, with personal information removed).


A reading 3 past lives – fears and not meeting goals.
30- 40 minute reading.
Japanese Royalty / Egyptian Construction / Shark Attack

One woman’s story in how karmic debt is responsible for her Fibromyalgia.

Past Life and Akashic Records Reading:  Fibromyalgia

This client has had multiple past life readings.

Reading #1: Wartime Crimes Reading

I’m picking up one life as a soldier in Eastern Europe (Roman) and another in Great Britain. I’m sensing that some of the lives you’re touching now [through victim counseling and advocacy] are lives you harmed in those past lives. You are making amends with every life you help.

Viking in Great Britain Lifetime: You were inclined to be first in the battle so you could get your sword through people. It gave you a rush. You also wanted to be first into the villages so you could rape and pillage. It gave you power to not just take over the village, but the people in it as well. I see you standing over the injured and attacked villagers with your sword, arms in the air like you just won a tournament. This one life was very violent.

Roman Army lifetime: I also see you doing similar in the Roman Army. But I’m sensing you are nearly complete in working through the “karma” (however you interpret making amends). “Experience.” is the answer I get for that life’s purpose.

I’m sensing that your first lives on Earth were hard to adjust to without getting caught up in the war and lower vibrational energies. As you worked towards brighter lifetimes you had an affinity to do good and you’ve been perfecting this since.

Reading #2:  Making amends and Fulfilling Karmic Debts
One hour reading
Click: Making Amends as a Priest during the Inquisition and a life as a WWI Paramedic

Reading #3 Client wanted to learn about inter-personal relationships in past lives (soul group).
Click: Reading:  Royalty / Friend and Relationship Reading

Presidential Candidate in the 1880s

You had a past life as a man running for President. I am getting the late 1880s. You didn’t win the election, but were still involved in politics. You were married, but secretly not attracted to women so you were more-or-less celibate through most of your marriage. You traveled a lot during your adulthood, while leaving your wife at home with the children, you really felt like you had more important things to do than stay home. You traveled by ship to get to or from the Great Plains for speeches. In that life, you fell in love with a young man that worked on your campaigns that you could not have, significantly younger than you, and you chose to ignore the feelings. It was a small heartbreak when he got married, but you didn’t let matters of the heart bother you that much in that lifetime.

Vietnam P.O.W., now avoids War History

The image I am getting is of you in a prison cell in a third world country, Vietnam. You were a Prisoner of War. It is dark and damp, even during mid-day, light comes in through the barred windows and there is no glass in your window. The cell is obviously old and not maintained; the image I get, I see no furniture. You were young (maybe 18 or 19) and remained there for 5 years. You were eventually released and sent home, but everything seemed foreign to you when you got there, including the people. Your previous girlfriend before the war was now married with a baby. Your parents loved you as much as they ever did and welcomed you home with great love, but you felt distant and unaccepting of that love. After some time had passed you met a woman by the name of [removed], who brought you out of your “shell” and taught you how to love and receive love again. She helped you through your struggles. This was a hard process maintaining a middle ground between cold emotional distance (shutting people out) and being overwhelmed by feelings (such as grief and rage over your experience). You went on to have children, and later grandchildren, and healed from your war wounds over time with the support of your wife. You worked in an industry where you were fixing things with your hands in people’s homes; likely appliance repair man.

This client states in this lifetime they avoid the war history topic, and the name of the wife in his past life is a name that hold some importance to him now in this lifetime as well.

Client’s past as a wealthy young woman  in 1500s Europe

I’m getting a very socially suppressed lifetime as a young woman in Europe that spent much time visiting court and the royal family with her family. 1500s. You were very beautiful (looked very much like you do now), and both parents used you and your marriageable qualities as a playing card among the most rich and influential. After several years of this you grew tired of getting your hopes up as each suitor was not good enough for their status, and resentment built up.
There was a similar-aged boy that was considered as a marriage option, that you became very good friends with. You were crushed when your parents refused to let you marry him, as they continued to play the Game of Thrones (haha, pun intended). [This boy in that life is your current son in this life.] Eventually you were becoming too old to sport around and they had to make a decision; they chose a much older man to marry you to. Not particularly someone you would’ve chosen yourself, but you were treated well and you two became friends. You had hoped the marriage would lead you far away from your parents, but they continued to deal with your husband on many financial/ trade matters and you continued to be resentful of their constant involvement and control of your situation. You had three children in that lifetime, that were all taken at birth to be raised by a wet nurse/ nanny, per society’s rules. Again you grew resentful and felt like you had no control of your life. Though in that life raising and nursing a child yourself was totally foreign to your culture and station, you were mad because you were not given the choice. The feeling you had was that every time you turned around, your choices were being taken away. -AQ

Elaborating on client’s questions:
While discussions were going on between parents, which your parents purposely drew out for long periods of time, you two became very close friends. You were both young teens at the time (about 12 I’d say) and you were both very disappointed when your parents didn’t allow the engagement, and you and he no longer saw each other. Often we have multiple past lives with the same people in our “soul group” so this could’ve been several lifetimes ago, and could’ve had several lifetimes together in other roles between then and now.

 A lifetime as a Celtic monk (mini-reading)

You experienced a lifetime as a monk. Celtic. You copied many books over and over again. Eventually, after many years, arthritis set in so you couldn’t continue to write. So you supervised the younger men who were copying books. You also had an internal struggle, as you knew there was much strife in the communities and countries outside your home, but you were directed to stay there and chose not to go and help. You lived in the comfort of not knowing about the pain, suffering and starvation many people were facing. (Ignorance is bliss rings a bell here). It was a rather uneventful lifetime, you had a simple, peaceful, lifetime. 1400s. -PB

Single mother lifetime during the Great Depression (mini-reading)

I’m picking up a past life during the 1930s, during the Great Depression as a single mother with a 10 year old, you worked as a waitress in a diner and lived with your parents. Your husband did not come back from war. You went on to become a school teacher in a small schoolhouse, but you were not well-suited for this, and didn’t like dealing with the children in the classroom. You also didn’t have the patience, but you did need the money. You had a very overbearing mother that told you what to do and why, but you needed your parents (and vice verse) financially to make ends meet. In this lifetime you stayed single until your parents passed and your child moved out. You went on to marry again late in life. –EMM

Put on a ship and sent to Australia (mini-reading)

I am picking up a life as a woman where you were put in jail for about a year for a crime that’s fighting-related, and they emptied the jail at that time and stuck everyone on a ship. You had no idea where you were going or why, but you had family left behind. A sister and parents. Several of the women on the boat were sick, some died on the ship and thrown overboard. You were in chains and it was miserable. You made it to what is now known as Australia. You got off the ship weak and barely able to walk but you were a survivor. I see you learning how to build your own home, and you made your way. I keep seeing an image as you as a boxer but unsure how that fits in.- JS

Berlin Wall

You were sisters in a past life. Torn apart by war and separated by a literal wall (Berlin?). She passed away in her 30s in that lifetime while you continued on for decades after. You two were not really directly affected by the war until that wall went up. You were married to an SS (Nazi) and she was married to a teacher or professor. Before that wall went up, you two were very close and had dinner with each other every Sunday. -RM

Kidnapped by a Conquistador

I have a past life of you as a Native, kidnapped and kept by a soldier as a wife/girlfriend. You had lived in Florida, where Spanish Conquistadors explored and took over the lands. Your tribe was killed, and a Conquistador kept you as his “girlfriend.” You about 14 years old at the time. He and the group of conquistadors settled in the area, and you had multiple children with him over the years. You accepted your fate and your lifetime with him. He treated you alright, but did not treat you as an equal or even as an equal to a European woman. Life was very hard work for you. The man in that past life is your husband in this lifetime… it seems you two have had multiple lives together in the same soul group. -AE


2018 Book List and Online Class Recommendations

Here is a list of books and online classes that are nothing short of amazing!

Online Courses:

Sal Jade is an amazing teacher of psychic ability. She makes it all feel so easy to do. The Udemy classes are $15 (U.S.) per class with these links:

How To Be Psychic

How To Be Psychic Intermediate Course

Tarot Card Success

Remove Psychic Blocks with Past Life Therapy

Boost Your Psychic Gits with EFT Tapping

Build Your Spiritual Healing Business


Sal Jade’s Master Class: How To Earn More Income with Your Tarot or Healing Business
Coupon Code: “kat25” will give you this class for 25% off.


This is an amazing Udemy class on reincarnation by Hypnotherapist Nellie Kampmann and  Past Life Researcher Jessica Jones Jewitt. The course is $20 (U.S.) through this link.

Reincarnation: Working with the Past for a Better Future















Evidential Psychic Readings vs Cold Readings

I am newly out-of-the-closet as a psychic to some of my family and friends, so I wasn’t entirely surprised to receive this link (youtube video), from a close family member. If you watch it, it’s a parody of The Long Island Medium; showing how a “cold reading” can be done by a fraud. (A cold reading is one where the Psychic Reader makes generalized statements to make the person getting the reading provide the information.) I myself have even received at least one reading done by a fraud.

I can respect the beliefs of that family member that sent the video, he is still adjusting to the fact that my side job goes against his beliefs (as an atheist). What most people don’t know is that there are ethics involved in psychic-mediumship (for the majority of us, I hope!!). There are practice circles, communities, classes, and Spiritualist churches that work on psychic-mediumship ability AND ETHICS too. I have taken classes in Evidential Mediumship. I work and practice with people that take pride in making sure they provide ethical, evidential readings.

I tell my clients right at the beginning: please do not give me your life story, do not provide details of the situation. I want both you and I to know I’m really connected before you tell me more. (Read here to learn tips on getting psychic readings, including how to give feedback and confirmation.) Some psychic-mediums can’t even read for family and friends because the knowledge messes with the ability to objectively read the cards and messages.

Being a psychic-medium is a profession, and like any, most people pride themselves in their work. If we have an off day and give a poor read, we want to know what it was that we misinterpreted, so we don’t make the same mistake twice. The day a psychic-medium stops listening to their clients, accepting feedback, is the day they stop growing their abilities. I know a man that has done professional tarot readings for 20 years, and one day he began mediumship classes and now he can do that too. He never stopped learning.
Legit psychic-mediums do make mistakes. But how do you know if they are legit or not? Well, where is the mistake coming from? Believe it or not, interpretation is the hardest part of a psychic-medium’s job. Receiving the images, feelings and concepts in our mind is one thing. Interpreting them and putting them into the right words that resonate with the person is the absolute hardest part. I feel a nurturing grandmotherly person and a cold wind in my chest… “did grandma have open-heart surgery?” In that case she did, and I interpreted it correctly.  I feel like a parental figure hurt you deeply with misplaced blame. “Did you have a parent that blamed you for everything?” That one turned out to be an older sibling. The impact I felt from her was so deep that I assumed it was a parent. As the oldest of 5, I did not realize the criticism from an older sibling could run so deep. In that case, the feeling I got wasn’t wrong, but my interpretation was based on my own experience. Every psychic can make these kinds of mistakes, which are almost always misinterpretation or allowing logic take over and jumping to conclusions.

Yes, sometimes we need confirmation that we are on the right page. And sometimes we misinterpret, but a good psychic should be giving you correct information more than 90% of the time. And it should include details she or he couldn’t just guess.

But if you’ve got this kind of psychic in the video… don’t walk away, run.

Stay away from a psychic that:
– Predicts a death
– Wants more money to remove a curse or spell
– Wants to diagnose you with a condition
– Tells you everything you want to hear; is too good to be true
– Ask for too much personal information (such as bank account numbers by phone)
Most importantly: trust your gut. Your instincts are usually right.

Further Reading: