
My unique psychic-mediumship abilities allow me to virtually walk in the shoes of other people; feeling what they feel, and understanding what they understand. I am honored to be able to experience the insights and deep level of intimacy with others’ souls.

I am at least a third-generation psychic-medium, though due to historically religious principles of society, the abilities of my ancestors were largely kept secret. My childhood and early adult life were bustling with activity, so little time was focused on my own personal and intuitive development. I always “wanted to be psychic” – never thinking I ever would be, and always fascinated by the concept I really had little understanding of. Then in the years leading up to 2015, I had my long-awaited Awakening. Psychic knowing, past life dreams, and spirit visitations became much more frequent. My love of history came to life when, to my surprise, I could see past lives very clearly. Now I could really experience history! Complete with visual imagery, emotions, and understanding.

I avidly jumped into books, enrolled in classes, and joined practice groups. I had opportunities to develop my abilities with the guidance of some of the most gifted psychics and mediums out there, including Joseph LoBrutto and Dewey Aum. I later co-created a long-standing, and more private, Practice Circle called The Six. The Six has taught me the value of having a “safe space” to practice and develop in. I could not have achieved so much without their loving support.

My hobbies include travel, theme parks, and natural health. I’m very blessed to have a supportive husband so I can balance homeschooling our children and building my career in Akashic Records work. With three intuitive children, it’s never boring around here!


Costumed Metaphysical Fair
  • Shamanic Energy Healing Certification, and Functional Medicine Health Coaching Certification, taught by The Four Winds Society led by Alberto Villoldo, PhD. (6-month intensive, Anticipated Completion Date: April, 2024
  • Akashic Records, taught by Dr. Linda Howe (2023)
  • Shamanism Theology, taught by Rev. Dr. Bonnie Russell (2021)
  • Evidential Mediumship, taught by Victoria Ackerman (2016)
  • Reincarnation: Working with the Past to Heal the Present, taught by Nellie Kampmann, Hypnotist, and Jessica Jewitt, Past Life Researcher (2016)
  • The Akashic Records series, self-study, written by Dr. Linda Howe (2016)

Healing Certifications:

  • Reiki II, III, and Master, taught by Melissa Crowhurst (2017)
  • Karuna Ki Reiki Master, taught by Aimee Phlegar (2018)
  • Reiki I, taught by Janine Maere, MD (2014)

Formal Education:

  • Shamanic Energy Healing Certification and Functional Medicine Health Coaching Certification. Taught by The Four Winds Society led by Alberto Villoldo, PhD., 2023 (6-month intensive program)
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, 2003

Through The Looking Glass – themed Lecture Series