
Akashic Records Readings

The Akashic Records is an energetic library that contains everything in your soul’s journey through all of time. This includes past life, present life, and potential future lives – in the big picture setting.

Some of the questions best asked during an Akashic Records Reading include: What is my purpose during this lifetime? What is the lesson I need to learn in this situation? What has to happen before I can move forward? What is the purpose of this relationship? What do I need to learn about myself to grow, spiritually? Why is this happening? What personal skills do I need to call upon to better my this situation? What will my next lifetime look like if I can resolve this issue in this lifetime?

Past Life Readings

During a past life reading you will receive detailed information about the past lives that are most pertinent to you now. Usually the issues that arise are regarding a karmic situation you are meant to overcome in this lifetime, or a past life that helps you understand yourself better on your soul journey. Do you wonder where that fear of water comes from, or about a strangely karmic relationship you have with someone in your life? Knowing your past lives can provide clarity and awareness.

Karmic debts, vows, traumas, and other issues may still be lingering from your past and preventing you from moving forward. This type of reading can assist in the healing of past life trauma, as well as removing karmic connections that no longer serve your highest good. When these issues are identified and faced, karmic issues oftentimes naturally resolve through the reading.

Most of my clients have had between 25 and 40 past lifetimes on Earth. A 30-minute reading will be approximately one page typed and cover the one past lifetime that you need to know about the most right now. A one-hour reading will extend this reading to cover up to three past lives. Oftentimes three lifetimes will uncover patterns which are spilling over into your current lifetime. Understanding what these may be and where they come from will help you have a better understanding of the issues you may be facing.

Shamanic and Reiki Energy Healing

Energy is not limited by time and space, and therefore, energy healing can be done from anywhere, to anyone, at any time. I practice Shamanic Usui Reiki and Shamanic Energy Medicine. I have been studying in an intensive training program with the 4 Winds Society since 2023, and learned many techniques that come primarily from the Q’ero Peoples of South America, and the the Lakota Peoples of North America. These techniques include Illumination and clearing of one’s energy field (aura/ chrakas), Soul Retrieval, and the Extraction of energies and entities. These techniques are very powerful in shifting your energy, and your life.

I also practice Usui Reiki and Karuna Ki Reiki energy healing techniques. Karuna Ki is especially useful for the following: Past Life issues (for example: past life trauma), Abuse, Addictions, Conscious / Unconscious Patterns that insulate us from truth; Clearing Psychic Attack, and Empowerment of Your Goals.

If your remote healing is not done live, I will send you a PDF document of how the session went and some helpful information about what came up during the session.

* At this time I am not qualified or experienced in clearing what may be called a hauntings or possessions.